Tantric lingam massage
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There was a pause of ten days and then the treatment was renewed. Vary your grip from harder to lighter. Long and painful meditation retreats would usually be required to get you to a similar state. A shot of her more from the rear to show more of her would have been a nice addition.
How Much Does a Lingam Massage Cost? In the second method, a partner gives the man the massage. She really knows what she is doing!!
Learn Lingam Massage - Massage the perineum, the area between the testicles and anus. Have you experienced this type of massage?
Lingam is the Sanskrit word for the Penis. Sexual organs play a major role in our physical, emotional and spiritual health and when our sexual organs are subject to blockages due to toxins we reduce our capacity to create and move our sexual energy Chi, Prana, Life force throughout our body which is required for our self-healing mechanism. Good lovers are the natural emperors of the world, for they are rooted in their manhood, at ease with themselves, and greatly loved and appreciated by their female partners. Following is a symbol of the Shiva Lingam with such reverence. Statistics show that the average male orgasm lasts from 2 — 10 seconds and occurs 5 — 10 minutes after he begins to be excited where as a woman takes 30 min to 1 hour to be aroused and be orgasmic. It is this mismatch that causes many problems in relationships in the current climate. lingam massage forum The reasons for male sexual dysfunctions are due to blockages the same as in the female sexual organs as follows: There are many different types of blockages in different parts of the body including sexual organs as discussed below. Kinds of blockages we have due to 1. Sedimentation Sedimentations are caused by toxins settling not only in capillaries in vital organs but just under the skin, and it can be felt like sand like deposits. With gentle massage with one figure circular movements, you can dissolve the toxins and open the channels to increase circulation in male sexual organs. Sedimentation is due to formation of plaque, a crystal like sedimentation and lingam massage forum acids in our circulation. By reducing the blood and lymph flow into our sexual organs, it also reduces energy flow for optimal function of sexual organs. In order to have healthy functioning genitals, we need to have a rich blood supply both in and out of the sexual organs to both provide nourishments and to remove toxins. Poor blood supply to genital area, men will find difficulty getting a proper erection and maintaining it. Knots Knots are usually surface blockages that can appear as thickened or lumpy areas, sometimes these knots can be felt like small plums. Knots are formed by entangling following small structural tissues due to stress from emotions such as anger, fear, shame, frustration etc. Using special massage techniques you can loosen and relax the tension in the lingam knots torelease aches in other parts of the body. Tangles Tangles occur at a deeper level than the knots and involves entangling and twisting following larger structures, to cause deeper blockages which requires lingam and male prostate massage with deeper pressure and depth to dissolve and untangle, whereas knots need gentle pressure to dissolve. When connective tissues become entangled they become rigid and hold the organs too tightly. Male Ejaculation and Orgasms During a Lingam massage men will be trained to withhold ejaculation and to move the sexual energy inwards to the body saving loss of vital sexual energy. This is a saving of vast amount of sexual energy which is being moved throughout the body to experience a full body orgasm, where by transforming negativity in the body to be more positive, open and healed. When you were born, Lingam and male prostate was originally made of positive, pleasurable cells. These traumas are the ones that create the deepest blocks reducing the orgasmic capacity. Lingam — Prostate massage helps to release these traumas and emotions to make you free. Lingam massage forum Lingam — Prostate massage will be the most traumatic due to the vulnerability, but the subsequent sessions get much easier as you being to peel off layers of negative emotions in the male prostate and begin to feel deep pleasure and full body multi orgasms that you never experienced before. Most men experience just a penile orgasm which is very limited in terms of pleasure comparatively to male prostate or male G spot orgasm which lingam massage forum through your body with limitless waves of orgasms that you would feel in your head transforming all negative energies in the pathway into positivity. Pleasure aspects of the Lingam-Prostate massage is only a tiny part of the transformation. Men become powerful sexually, developing their career, with good health and happiness with improved relationships and being able to find their ideal partner and getting rid of most of the sexual dysfunctions and disorders and many illnesses they suffered for many years and finally becoming good lovers. Above all you will feel younger after each session due to rejuvenating every cell in your body Lingam — Prostate massage is not a quick fix.
Tantric massage
We do it to give him pleasure. How Much Does a Lingam Massage Cost? You are not doing tantra because you want orgasme, ejaculation. Each stroke can have a very different feeling and sensation. We also connect with the universal sexual chi or energy that is in our partner's body as an energetic life force. From this perspective both receiver and giver relax into the massage. Statistics show that the average male orgasm lasts from 2 — 10 seconds and occurs 5 — 10 minutes after he begins to be excited where as a woman takes 30 min to 1 hour to be aroused and be orgasmic. Do this several times, coming close to ejaculation, and then backing off. Get in Touch with the Chi of the Lingam If you know more about Reiki or energy work, this will be very familiar to you.